Configuration for Vercel
require __DIR__ . '/../public/index.php';
Vercel only allows an app’s entry-point to live inside the API directory, so we have to set up a simple script to forward to Laravel’s normal public/index.php
This will make sure we don’t upload the entirety of our vendor directory to Vercel when we deploy (We’ll set up Vercel to automatically install composer dependencies).
"version": 2,
"framework": null,
"functions": {
"api/index.php": { "runtime": "vercel-php@0.6.0" }
"routes": [{
"src": "/(.*)",
"dest": "/api/index.php"
"env": {
"APP_ENV": "production",
"APP_CONFIG_CACHE": "/tmp/config.php",
"APP_EVENTS_CACHE": "/tmp/events.php",
"APP_PACKAGES_CACHE": "/tmp/packages.php",
"APP_ROUTES_CACHE": "/tmp/routes.php",
"APP_SERVICES_CACHE": "/tmp/services.php",
"CACHE_DRIVER": "array",
"LOG_CHANNEL": "stderr",
"SESSION_DRIVER": "cookie"